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What a summer 2016


The summer of 2016 was a perfect blend of attending events organized by others and creating events myself. It all kicked off with classes taught at the pier, in Copenhagen, organized by Danish Architecture Centre (DAC) and Erdinc Raim. Some days we ended up inside due to rain, but we did manage to get a a couple of mornings outside by the canal during the Summer.

Then came Tisvilde Yoga Festival where I had the great joy of teaching meditation and a gentle class ... The weekend of Tisvildeleje Yoga Festival led straight into my own event of organizing yoga at Tisvildeleje Strandhotel for the following 4 weeks.

This is a thing I've done for the past 3 years and it felt like one big blessing to return. One of the things I love about teaching at Tisvildeleje Strandhotel, is that, I never know what I'm gonna get ... So I gotta trust in my teachings and every morning adapt the practice, so that it suits everyone in the room - This is a nice practice for me as well!

One week I handed the seat to my dear colleague Sandra Heavy whom also helped me out in the summer 2014 for Yoga at Tisvildeleje Strandhotel.

I also got to play with the movers at Move Copenhagen and share a few classes - ohh my, It's always a pleasure to be surrounded with people who love movement in all it's various forms and are set up for a weekend of playtime and fun.

To top the summer, I shared a class at Copenhagen Yoga Festival on building

body-awareness and got time to re-connect with friends, colleagues, strengthen some beautiful connections and build some new ...

Yes, it was a great summer - One Love

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