Nanna has been teaching yoga and meditation full time for more than a decade. Her love for movement started as a child where dance played a big part in her life up until she got both knees injured in her teens. She found yoga and the first thing was the ability to move again without pain! Second she found the connection of mind and body. Experiencing the internal shift from performing movement to experiencing movement, and a new awareness grew.
It’s from this place Nanna shares. Her own love for movement, that grew into teaching, that grew into exploring and sharing meditation. It's brought her around the world to study and teach. She’s been part of creating events in more than 10 European cities. She has assisted in multiple trainings and she’s had the great experience of teaching in trainings herself.
Her teaching style is characterised by a curiosity of body awareness, sensibility, subtle movement and bringing meditative awareness into our way of moving. In a world where our energy and attention is often directed outwards, she wish to bring the attention back to ourselves by exploring the body through simple movements and meditation. When we bring the energy back home to ourselves, we can recover, heal, and experience more clarity about what is important to us.
“My wish is that through our practice we are reminded of our connection with each other, while at the same time strengthened as individuals in the differences we have. In that sense yoga and meditation can support and nourish both the community and the life of the individual.
I am forever grateful for all my different teachers through time.
My main meditation teacher, the late Sally Kempton, who I’ve studied with since 2010.
All the support and teachings received by Andrea Boni.
Sources of inspiration I’ve had the pleasure to study with for shorter or longer periods of time :
Ram Dass, Tara Judelle, Scott Lyons, Bonnie B. Cohen, William K. Mahoney, Mooji, Sienna Sherman, John Friend.
Those I haven’t meet in person (yet) Jack Kornfield, Reginald A. Ray.
And those that go beyond : Bhagavan Nityananda, Neem Karoli Baba."
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