I was fortune to be invited as one of the faculty teachers and teach at the High Vibe teacher training in Ubud, Bali for the month of January 2015
It seemed as a natural step to make, having more the 2000 hours of study, about 3000 hours of teaching and a lot of collabroating and creating, over the last 7 years.
Teaching in the training was also supportive for my own growth.
Quite fast we set in the direction of not giving the students a structure on what to teach. But rather getting them in tune with what they would like to teach and then finding a way to convey that to others, when teaching each other.
Emily who is the creater of the High Vibe Teacher Training has this great capasity to invite in a bunch of different teachers, all a little neerdy in their field and truly inspiring, to come and teach at her trainings.
So the students would get so much juciy information to choose from and seeing how they would share it at the end of the training was truly inspiring.
Happy to be going back and teach again in the July/August training